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Project access

To access MeluXina you can apply for a project allocation through commercial access or EuroHPC access mechanisms.

Commercial access

Commercial access is open to industry, public administration, public research and academia.

To request access to MeluXina for a new project, please contact us at sales [at] We will be happy to discuss your requirements and the best way to accommodate them.

EuroHPC access

Access to the EuroHPC share of MeluXina is governed by the EuroHPC JU Access Policy.

Please see the page for information about the running Access Calls, timeline, resource allocations and eligibility conditions.

Terms of Use

Users of LuxProvide platforms and services are subject to the [LuxProvide Terms of Use] (docs/assets/LUXPROVIDE MeluXina terms of use - v10 - final.pdf).

Access process

After a project has been approved, project members ("Users") are onboarded on MeluXina through the following process:

Who Action Result
LuxProvide Creates User account Welcome mail sent to the User
User Uses to set their password with the one time token from the Welcome email User can now connect to
User Acknowledges having read, understood, and agreed to the LuxProvide Terms of Use User can create account activation request
User Creates account activation request on, and uploads their SSH key in the service ticket User account activation request by service ticket
LuxProvide Adds User SSH key to the User account User can now connect to MeluXina with their SSH key

During the onboarding process and before being granted access to MeluXina, users will be required to read and accept the LuxProvide Terms of Use.

New users will receive a Project ID during the onboarding process, which is used for tracking requests and compute/data resource allocations.

Requesting support

Our Service Desk is the one-stop-shop for all your information and support requests.

Please use it to request changes to existing projects and accounts:

  • Update project coordinator details
  • Add or remove project members, update contact details
  • Request compute and data allocation extensions
  • Project lifecycle management and account closure

We can also be contacted by email at: servicedesk [at]